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Ferry Building Marketplace – The reconstructed interior of this San Francisco landmark would be worth seeing all on its own; soft beige light serenely bathes a pedestrian walkway that echoes softly with the gentle footfalls of a few hundred gawking amblers. But what’s inside the Ferry Plaza is something else entirely. This long-promised mecca of things culinary has indeed arrived; one could spend a week eating only from the merchants featured herein and be a long, long way from exhausting the options. No, it’s not the cheapest place in the universe, but by San Francisco standards the prices aren’t actually too far out of line, and in some cases seem rather cheap. There’s takeout, there’s eat-in, and there’s cook-it-yourself raw materials here to satisfy the most demanding palate. A mission accomplished, I’d say. (8/04)

(See the San Francisco index for establishments within the Ferry Building Marketplace.)


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